Jan 23, 2011

An Incidental Meeting

I must share this little story of a chance encounter I had the other day. I was at the drug store picking up a prescription and there was this middle aged woman ahead of me who needed some Mucinex or generic for her flu symptoms (and she sounded rather bad just talking to the clerk). It was taking some time to make up her mind and then she had some issues finding her credit card and so she spent some of the time chatting with me, as I was patiently waiting until she was done. For instance, she commented that her husband must have put her credit card in a different place in her wallet. Anyway, she finally completed the transaction and as she was starting to leave she said to me, "I just used to get these symptoms every once in a while but since my last chemo treatment, they come more often and as soon as I get over one, another seems to start right away." I asked her what kind of cancer did she have and she said she'd had breast cancer, not once but twice. I said, "Well, I'm on my second go-round myself right now. But the good thing now is that we caught this latest one very early compared to how long it took to diagnose the first one." She said, "Oh, that's just the opposite of me. But I'm so sorry to hear that about you. I will keep you in my prayers and wish you well." As she walked away I only thought, "I wonder how she'll remember me - 'Dear God, please bless the guy I met in the drug store who has cancer for the second time. I don't know his name or who he is but bless him anyway.'" Of course, God will know who she's talking about.

One of the non-physical side effects of having cancer has been these little stories that never would have happened without me having it. Stories like that. Had I not ever had cancer, I would have just said to that woman, "Well, I'm glad you've beaten it twice and now I hope you get over this," and she would have left and that would have been the end of it. Now as it stands, there's a person whose name I don't know who is thinking and praying for me.

Another example: I had a call into a woman at work about doing their trade show. She called in early January to follow up and I called back and left a message apologizing for not getting back earlier because we were off for a week after Christmas and I had had some "health issues," and left it at that. When she did call back and reach me, she asked about my health issues and I said I had a return of a cancer that I had earlier been diagnosed with and beaten once. She then shared with me that she had just beaten breast cancer herself and just finished chemo last year. She told me more about her story and her family history and I was thinking even at the time that this conversation is not taking place without me having cancer and having my own story to tell. I wouldn't have had my "health issues" and I'm sure the topic would never come up. Anyway, she told me to keep in contact with her about the progress of my treatment and that she would be thinking and praying for me, too.

So who knows the reason why certain things happen to people like they do. Those two women might even share my story with other people that they meet. I have had other if-it-weren't-for-cancer-this-wouldn't-have-happened stories; these are just two of the most recent.

As far as what's going on, my next oncologist appointment is Jan. 31. By that time we should have all the results from labs on what chemo treatment I should be getting to treat my specific condition. At this point, I don't know what I'll get, though I wouldn't be surprised if it were the same as I had before, since the diagnosis was for "colon primary", the same as I had before. If so, I don't know if I would have the 2 drug or 3 drug cocktail. I would hope for the former but if it is the latter and that's what's best for me to help prevent this from recurring in another year and a half, I'll deal with it and so be it. But that's just conjecture and I'd rather wait to see what is actually going to happen rather than to worry about it. If it stops these things from coming back, then let's do it and get it over with. More later when I know more.

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