Sep 27, 2009

One word...FLORIDA

Now that we are officially in the autumnal equinox, aka FALL, the air will be crisper; the leaves will be turning into their gorgeous reds, yellows, oranges, and browns (okay this color might not be gorgeous but I felt I needed another color choice so...); apples and pumpkins will be plentiful; children will be parading around in crazy costumes; and you know what will be right around the corner. Also, during this time of year, is our (soon to be annual) TRIP TO FLORIDA!!

While we were just down there post chemo/radiation and pre-surgery, we knew that when we came back we would be faced with another bigger challenge - surgery and all of its aftermath. This time when we go down, it will be with more joy and more relaxation because we will only have one more chemo cycle to go - good thing. Hence, our time will be longer, more relaxing, and we can spend more quality time with Brian, Lauren and Tyler. (Can you tell I'm liking the word more?) We are so looking forward to watching Tyler's soccer games and rooting on our champ! We missed out last September when we were there that we specifically requested our timeshare allotment for after the start of soccer season. Can't wait!!

We have also started a "tradition" of playing Scattergories with the kids. We added Password our last trip. I will be bringing another game with me that I think will become another tradition. Don't want to give too much away but hope it's reception isn't too "dicey".

Last time when I blogged about going down, I included a picture a night of past Florida vacations. So, I guess I'll try to do it now. One thing I will have to do this trip is get more interesting "material". So, for those who may have already seen the pictures that will coming over the next few days, my apologies. For those that haven't, I hope you enjoy!

By the way, two of these chairs will have our names on them for SEVEN STRAIGHT DAYS!!


Brian said...

Can't wait to find out what your mystery game is...and I really can't wait to win it!

See you soon! Travel safely!

Cyndy said...

It's a game of part luck, part skill and part daring! Are you REALLY up to the challenge?
