Feb 13, 2010

Yogi was WRONG!

Even most non-baseball fans are likely aware of Yogi Berra's most famous "Yogi-ism" quote, "It ain't over til it's over." And even for non-baseball fans who didn't know who said it, I'm sure they've at least heard it. Well, for me right now, I'm here to say Yogi was wrong. Instead I say "It ain't over even when it's over." Let me explain.

As loyal readers of this blog well know (there are some out there, right?), this past Wednesday was my final disconnect from hopefully the last chemo drug that will ever be fed into me. When this happened last October when I thought I was all done with my chemo, I felt absolutely fantastic, physically as well as emotionally. I had no chemo side effects and was on top of the world - until I found out I needed more treatment after all.

So now that additional treatment is all over and I should be feeling great, right? But I don't. I mean I feel good emotionally that I don't have to go through these IV's, hookups and disconnects any more. But in the words of the old torch song, "The Song is Ended but the Melody Lingers On." I don't feel much better today, three days after the disconnect, than I did on Tuesday (in the midst of everything), at least before all the chest pains hit that day. All of my annoying side effects are still hard at work, and I'm sure to my body, it's just another week of chemo treatment. At this point I am presuming that I probably won't start feeling better until at least the week after next (the week I would have had a 7th cycle, if I had had one). And who knows how long the chemo will be circulating throughout me, causing who knows how many issues and problems. How I long for something to drink besides coffee, tea, or lukewarm water! So while I would like to say right now that it's all over and I feel great, I can't - not yet at least. But I've been patient for 10 months; I can hold out a few more weeks (or months) longer. When there's no other choice to make, you take the positive approach and deal with it the best you can. At least I do. I've done that for 10 months as well and I'm not stopping now.

Which reminds me of a couple of more "Yogi-isms" (there are dozens). "If people don't want to go to the game, nobody's going to stop them." "You should go to other peoples' funerals; otherwise they won't go to yours." "When you come to a fork in the road, take it." "It gets late early here." And one of my favorites, "Nobody goes to that restaurant any more because it's too crowded." I'll stop now as I could go on with these.

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