Oct 21, 2009

Last Week!

No, the title of this blog doesn't relate to something that happened last week. It means that I am currently in my LAST WEEK (or cycle) of chemo. As I write this, I have less than 48 hours left before I am disconnected for the final time (hopefully for sure - hopeful that there is no future reason for needing chemo again). Needless to say, I am excited and counting down the hours until the final moment.

It was about time I wrote something here as I have not written anything since before we went to Florida. Some comments about that: First, in reference to Cyndy's blog from Florida, the name of Tyler's soccer team is not "Tidy Whities" but rather "Tighty Whities", a reference to the nickname for men's briefs (as opposed to boxers). And I have no idea why those kids decided on that for their team nickname. Second, it was a great time in Florida, despite the fact that I lost my cell phone down there and that I dumped Cyndy and myself into the Gulf of Mexico (from a Waverunner). We had gone to Tyler's first soccer game while we were down there and when we got back to Brian's place, I looked down and noticed my phone was missing (it had been clipped to my belt). I could rationalize and say, "Well, Cyndy wanted a new phone anyway and it was about time I got a different clip," both of which would be true. Getting a new phone for Cyndy and then converting her old one into mine took up a good portion of the Monday we were there so I'm sorry we lost beach time over that. BTW, not a drop of rain while we were down there and the lowest high while we were there was 88º. The day we left it was 94º (and about the same humidity!). As far as the new clip I got for my "new" phone, I think you need a stick of dynamite to get it loose so I'm not worried about this one falling off when I sneeze.

All I'll say about dunking Cyndy and me in the ocean is that (1) I went in, too (to hear Cyndy tell it, I purposely forced her in off of the Waverunner while I rode around laughing at her); and (2) I learned not to take too sharp of a U-turn on a Waverunner, especially in 20'-30' deep waters (at least that deep, maybe more) in an ocean. But we survived and can laugh about it now, though I can attest that Cyndy was NOT laughing about it while it was happening. I thought it was funny even then, but I tried to keep from laughing until I knew Cyndy was safe. Look at it this way - if nothing like that had happened, I probably would have remembered that I went on a Waverunner during the Dolphin tour years from now, but not much else. Now I'll remember this the rest of my life. Just like I remember going to a clean-up day at our campgrounds when I was a kid, walking around on the big rocks in the lake, and then (of course) losing my balance and falling into Lake Huron. Otherwise I probably would have forgotten about that day. Nobody had seen me fall and I remember thinking as I walked back to camp, sopping wet, "What should I tell people that happened?" I ultimately just told the truth, by the way, rather than make up some convoluted story.

Anyway, back to the present. So far, so good as far as chemo reactions (knock on wood), although I have found myself to be extra tired this time around for some reason. Last night, for instance, I slept for five hours straight, which almost never happens any more (I need to address my sleep apnea eventually, but my doctor and I decided one thing at a time and now we're nearing the end of the "one thing".). If I can make it through Thursday OK without vomiting or worse, I'll be home free. More this weekend after the disconnect.

1 comment:

Cyndy said...

First, sorry for the confusion regarding the soccer name. As you could tell, I never wore that piece of clothing. So, in my defense, how would I know the correct "spelling" of the word. (Say both of them out loud and see if you can really HEAR the difference!)

Second, Chuck didn't really tell the WHOLE story about the waverunner and trying to get back on the fool thing!! I'll have to tell my version sometime. Then, let YOU decide.

Anyway, one thing we DO agree on - we are excited that this is the last week and looking forward to 4:30 pm Central time for his disconnect!!
